
Technology News










There are a lot of great things happening technology-wise at CSD!


For starters, we doubled our internet speed from 50 Mbp/s to 100 Mbp/s in December 2015.  We also revamped our network backbone to include enterprise-level wireless access points and network switches in order to support our rapidly growing need for fast data transmission both on our local network and over the internet which the federal erate program made possible.


Title I funds played a major role in our initiative to provide 200 classroom Chromeboxes for student use.  This not only allowed us to provide 6 computers in each classroom, but also a second stationary computer lab consisting of 30 Chromeboxes in the Fall of 2015!


In the Spring of 2016, we replaced our antiquated staff laptops with new HP Probook 450 G3 models that will carry us for at least five years.  Again, Title I funds are to thank for this much needed upgrade for our teachers and will provide 39 new laptops this year alone!


In the Summer of 2017, Title I funds allowed us to purchase 33 additional Chromeboxes in order to create a third stationary computer lab, a third mobile lab consisting of 30 HP Probook 440 G4 laptops, as well as two 30-tablet mobile iPad labs!


In 2018, we added 4 more iPad carts which allowed us to go 1:1 for our K-2 students.


In the 2019-20 school year, we replaced our outdated Chromeboxes  with 480 Chromebooks.  We also were able to increase our bandwidth ten-fold from 100 Mbp/s to 1000 Mbp/s.  This upgrade was much needed in order to be able to serve the nearly 700 devices that were now on our network.


In 2021-22, we retired the iPad carts and went full 1:1 with Chromebooks for all grades, K-8.  We also replaced our antiquated Smartboards with Promethean boards.


In 2022-23, our High Ability classes each received new 3D printers via grant.


In 2023-24, we built the new Pre-K through 3rd Grade Early Learning Center (ELC) at 7200 Melton Rd and outfitted it with the latest technology.


Stay tuned for more exciting CSD Technology news!

2024-09-07 14:16:15