General Information

School Hours


Building is open Monday – Friday from 8:00am – 2:30pm

Office Hours: 7:15am  – 2:30pm

Doors open at 7:15 | Breakfast ends at 7:45 | School starts at 8:00 | Dismissal 2:30


For students who are members, participants, or enrolled in an extra-curricular activity, the school will close at 8:00 pm (ex. Cheerleading, basketball and/or sports practices, tutoring, competitions, etc.)

ONLY students enrolled in an extra-curricular activity are permitted to be on the school property during practice times.


School Closings


Closing notices are sent via ParentSquare


Emergency Response Plan

The Charter School of the Dunes has an emergency plan in place to address the various events that may occur in the building. Please be sure to keep all emergency contact information for your child current at all times. Any changes should be reported to the main office.




Bus Schedule


2023-24 Bus Schedule


Student Information





Buy Uniforms


Shop Here


Code of Conduct


At Charter School of the Dunes, we take student safety and good student behavior very seriously. We are a PBIS school and our expectations are high because we believe in excellence for our students. Our code applies anytime students are on campus, traveling to and from school, or on a school-sponsored field trip or activity. School staff members, students, and parents all share responsibility for good student behavior. The school has the responsibility to clearly communicate and enforce student behavior in a fair, consistent, and supportive manner. Parents have the responsibility to reinforce the expectations of the school and to help their children become responsible citizens. Students have the responsibility to follow the code of conduct and to make good choices.



Chromebook and Internet Usage Policy


CSD Chromebook Policy




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