Resources & Notices


Work with us? 


Parent/Guardian Complaint

Fillable Form


PowerSchool Login

Parent Sign In


Parent/ Volunteer Background Checks


Background checks are now given at CSD.

Please bring either your Drivers License or Identification Card (either must be State-issued) to the Main Office and ask them for assistance.



IDOE definition of bullying

IDOE student safety/ prevention resources

Report a bullying incident at CSD


Child Abuse Prevention

CSD Policy on Child Abuse Prevention & Response


Charter Authorizer

CSD Charter Authorizer


Seclusion and Restraint Policy

Esser III

Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund


Lead-Water Test Results


The school’s highest result for 2019-20 was 1.9 ppb, below the state’s Action Limit of 15 ppb.

(ND in your results stands for Non-Detect, or a reading below the lab’s detection limit).

CSD tested all water fixtures that either are or may be used as a source of consumable water food preparation. This included all water fountains, food prep sinks, tilt skillet sprayer, and any other sinks that drinking water may be taken from.

2019-2020 Test Results


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