
Entrance Requirements

To enter kindergarten, a child must be 5 years of age on or before October 1 of the current school year. If your child does not meet these qualifications, you may contact the office for further policy information.


Textbooks, Library Books, Audio/Visual Equipment & Other School Materials

It is the responsibility of CSD students to return textbooks, library books and any other school materials at the end of the school year in good condition. In accordance with stated CSD policy, it is the responsibility of a parent/guardian to instill respect of property in their children. Thus, parents MUST assume responsibility for damage to or loss of any textbooks, library books, audio/visual equipment or other school materials used by their child/children. Replacement costs and/or damage fines will be assessed for any lost or damaged materials. These fines must be paid in full, in cash, before a final report card will be issued, transfer of records sent, or registration accepted for the next school year. The teachers, in conjunction with the School Principal will determine these fees.


Money Procedures

When paying for items (i.e. breakfast, lunch, field trip) at the school, CSD accepts cash or money orders only, no checks permitted. All payments must be done at the main office. Payments after 1:00pm will not be accepted.


Breakfast and Lunch

All parents must fill out and submit a Free and Reduced Priced Meals Application which is provided in the enrollment packet. These forms will be processed, and all students who desire meals provided through the school will receive them. Parents are asked to make breakfast/lunch payments (cash and money order only, no checks permitted) to the school office.


Special Services

The school offers a complete special education program and is obligated by state and federal laws. Special education students will have an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) written for them annually. This plan must be implemented in a least restricted environment. A special education parent handbook will be provided to all parents whose child participates in the program. Please contact the Special Education Teacher, Special Education Director, or School Principal for further information.


Title 1 Services

The Charter School of the Dunes offers Federal Title 1 services, which are designed to assist students in achievement of skills and knowledge. These federal funds are based on the free and reduced lunch counts data obtained when parents register and other student achievement data. Title 1 program is available to all CSD students, and in areas of mathematics and reading/writing instruction. All teachers working under Title 1 programs are highly qualified according to Indiana Department of Education standards.


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